Programming Tips for Developer- By: Nick Thomas

Description : Surveys show that it takes about ten years or more of deliberate practice to become a "successful software developer". A developer can easily become an expert in his field provided if some important useful tips are being followed.

A Developer should be clear about his goals as to what he is going to develop. Many companies focus their attention on the design part of the software as they consider design to be one of the major aspects of software product development. Meeting the customer's requirements and designing the product accordingly increases the developer's credibility in the work place. A developer should also pay attention to detail of the text written in one's software. Inconsistent spacing / improper usage of styles and fonts can unknowingly irritate the users of your software.

Irrespective of any field in software development like mobile application development or web application, a developer should take care of a few things which can help them to become a good developer and expert in his field:-

1. Outline your work: Make a plan as how to proceed in your project and don't use codes again and again, try and make functions for that purpose. It will reduce typing and save time.

2. Keep it simple: Don't overload the user with options. The hard fact is if a user cannot learn how to use a feature, it might as well not exist. Documentation and tutorials can help, but they should be reserved for complicated features. Sometimes you just need to take the hard decision to kill features to simplify the UI.

3. Communication: Listen to end users patiently as they are reason for writing the software. They often won't express their requirements clearly, so be patient and ask questions that will lead to concrete explanations. Listen to some smart developers as well and pick up some useful tips and feedback from them.

4. Comments and back up: Make comments, so you know what you were thinking when you programmed that code last night. Comments are helpful in making things easy and less complicated. Make successive backups of your code so you can go back -- if you realize later you made a critical low-level error that requires a rewrite. Backup only your modified files or use an appended RAR archive file.

5. Environment: Find a best suited place to start with your work as it requires a lot of concentration to develop that piece. Quality programming requires focus and attention to detail.

6. Customer is king: Remember you are familiar with your software, whereas your users probably aren't. Every time you work on your design try to look at it through the eyes of a fresh user, keep their goals in mind and find something online that offers quick and convenient testing with online users.

7. Learn advanced tactics and help others: Being a good developer is not just about your skills, but also having tactics in searching for the required information and gaining new ideas in depth.

8. Learn the basic theories underlying your field: learn the basic working of the functions which will help you understand why they work as the way they do.

9. Code: Study general best practices and coding standards. Consider your code's readability by indenting code consistently, writing comments, naming variables and functions well. Write it so it should last and be relatively easy to pick up years later or for someone else to take over. Use a text editor or IDE that you're comfortable with. A good editor will help a programmer adhere to coding standards.

10. Bugs: Fix the true source of bugs when possible, rather than working around a problem. This can help other applications that will share that problem code and prevent others from stumbling across the same bug. For example, if you use your own framework and find a bug, fix the bug within the framework when possible, rather than coding around the problem in each application that relies on that framework. Take ownership of the bugs you create and work to fix them.

Apart from these above mentioned tips one must not forget to take regular breaks. Sitting and typing in one position for long periods can lead to health issues. Breaks also clear the mind and help bring back focus. Take a break. Relax! Do something else that
will surely help you concentrate more to develop a useful product.

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Author’s bio:

David Frankk is the author of this article. He has been writing articles for many software product development companies like Q3 Technologies. Moreover, he has been actively involved in providing useful content writing material related to mobile application development.

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